Session Files

What are sessions?

The first parameter you pass to the constructor of the TelegramClient is the session, and defaults to be the session name (or full path). That is, if you create a TelegramClient('anon') instance and connect, an anon.session file will be created in the working directory.

Note that if you pass a string it will be a file in the current working directory, although you can also pass absolute paths.

The session file contains enough information for you to login without re-sending the code, so if you have to enter the code more than once, maybe you’re changing the working directory, renaming or removing the file, or using random names.

These database files using sqlite3 contain the required information to talk to the Telegram servers, such as to which IP the client should connect, port, authorization key so that messages can be encrypted, and so on.

These files will by default also save all the input entities that you’ve seen, so that you can get information about a user or channel by just their ID. Telegram will not send their access_hash required to retrieve more information about them, if it thinks you have already seem them. For this reason, the library needs to store this information offline.

The library will by default too save all the entities (chats and channels with their name and username, and users with the phone too) in the session file, so that you can quickly access them by username or phone number.

If you’re not going to work with updates, or don’t need to cache the access_hash associated with the entities’ ID, you can disable this by setting client.session.save_entities = False.

Different Session Storage

If you don’t want to use the default SQLite session storage, you can also use one of the other implementations or implement your own storage.

To use a custom session storage, simply pass the custom session instance to TelegramClient instead of the session name.

Telethon contains three implementations of the abstract Session class:

  • MemorySession: stores session data within memory.
  • SQLiteSession: stores sessions within on-disk SQLite databases. Default.
  • StringSession: stores session data within memory, but can be saved as a string.

You can import these from telethon.sessions. For example, using the StringSession is done as follows:

from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
from telethon.sessions import StringSession

with TelegramClient(StringSession(string), api_id, api_hash) as client:
    ...  # use the client

    # Save the string session as a string; you should decide how
    # you want to save this information (over a socket, remote
    # database, print it and then paste the string in the code,
    # etc.); the advantage is that you don't need to save it
    # on the current disk as a separate file, and can be reused
    # anywhere else once you log in.
    string =

# Note that it's also possible to save any other session type
# as a string by using ````:
client = TelegramClient('sqlite-session', api_id, api_hash)
string =

There are other community-maintained implementations available:

  • SQLAlchemy: stores all sessions in a single database via SQLAlchemy.
  • Redis: stores all sessions in a single Redis data store.

Creating your Own Storage

The easiest way to create your own storage implementation is to use MemorySession as the base and check out how SQLiteSession or one of the community-maintained implementations work. You can find the relevant Python files under the sessions directory in Telethon.

After you have made your own implementation, you can add it to the community-maintained session implementation list above with a pull request.

String Sessions

StringSession are a convenient way to embed your login credentials directly into your code for extremely easy portability, since all they take is a string to be able to login without asking for your phone and code (or faster start if you’re using a bot token).

The easiest way to generate a string session is as follows:

from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
from telethon.sessions import StringSession

with TelegramClient(StringSession(), api_id, api_hash) as client:

Think of this as a way to export your authorization key (what’s needed to login into your account). This will print a string in the standard output (likely your terminal).


Keep this string safe! Anyone with this string can use it to login into your account and do anything they want to to do.

This is similar to leaking your *.session files online, but it is easier to leak a string than it is to leak a file.

Once you have the string (which is a bit long), load it into your script somehow. You can use a normal text file and open(...).read() it or you can save it in a variable directly:

string = '1aaNk8EX-YRfwoRsebUkugFvht6DUPi_Q25UOCzOAqzc...'
with TelegramClient(StringSession(string), api_id, api_hash) as client:
    client.send_message('me', 'Hi')

These strings are really convenient for using in places like Heroku since their ephemeral filesystem will delete external files once your application is over.